Larry BenedictFounder, The Opportunistic Trader

Larry Benedict

Larry Benedict is a 35-year trading veteran. Starting from the pits at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Larry’s skills grew until he was running a world-class $800 million hedge fund – where he regularly traded position sizes in the millions of dollars. He even went 20 years without a single losing year… putting his hedge fund in the top 1% of Barron’s rankings.

That’s because, from 1990 through 2010, Larry’s hedge fund never had a single losing year. (It wasn’t until 2011 that he had a losing year, and even then, the fund was down less than 1%.) In 2008, when the financial world was in upheaval, Larry and his partners had their best year ever, making $95 million for their clients.

Now though, Larry fully devotes himself to bringing his trading secrets to everyday investors – with actionable, profitable options plays and other top-level strategies that made him a massive success.

Larry Benedict’s Research Services

Trading With Larry Benedict

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The Opportunistic Trader

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The S&P Trader

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One Ticker Trader

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Currency Wizard

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Larry Benedict 360

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How to Find Your Niche as a Trader

Narrowing your focus this way will greatly improve your chances of becoming a profitable trader.

How We Bagged Three Wins on Nvidia in Six Days

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How to Sharpen Your Trading Edge

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The One-Ticker Secret to Successful Trading

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The Key to Trading Success Isn’t a “What”… It’s a “Who”

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