Jeff Clark

Beware of Greed

Traders who rush to get into trades simply because it’s the hot idea of the moment, or because their neighbors are profiting, are making a mistake.

The Problem With Celebrity CEOs

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang is a rock star. And this sort of CEO notoriety often occurs near a peak...

This Signal Is Telling Traders to Be Careful

Speculators were jumping over themselves to buy call options and bet on the stock market continuing higher. But the...

This Early Warning Sign Is Flashing

We’re only five weeks into 2024, and the S&P 500 is already up 4%.

How the “Pulse System” Helped Us Make 65%

The Pulse system looks for stocks that have moved far away from their moving averages – and are set...

It’s Much More of an Art Than a Science

If you try to conform to strict rules and formulas, you’ll be wrong almost all the time…

How to Get Rich in a Crash

Bear markets make for some of the most profitable times in history...

Why You Should Appreciate a Bear Market

This is an opportunity for those willing to go against the grain...